Our unique encapsulation process creates the next generation in stabilised hydrogen peroxide. With unrivalled stability and using only food safe ingredients, Oxyl-Pro is one of the most unique products on the market.
Ecological profile
Oxyl-Pro has an excellent ecological profile, using hydrogen peroxide as the active substance, and stabilised with only food safe ingredients. On degradation, the by products are simply oxygen and water, two molecules that widely exist naturally in the environment.
Versatile disinfectant
Oxyl-Pro is an extremely versatile, broad spectrum disinfectant, and therefore has many applications. From being used for pipework disinfection, drinking water for livestock or surface disinfection in a food factory. See our applications page for more information on the many different applications Oxyl-Pro can be used for.
See the science
Oxyl-Pro’s secret is in the encapsulation process, using hydrogen peroxide and food safe stabilisers to create an encapsulated molecule. These molecules only activate and open on contact with specific biological markers, which leads to the hydrogen peroxide only being released when and where necessary, and results in minimal waste.
Drinking water disinfection – What chemical approvals are required?
There is often confusion around product approvals for water disinfection. This blogs sets out the...
New Manufacturing Site
Chemiteq is very excited to announce that Oxyl-Pro is now made in the UK. After several years of...
Is Pseudomonas Contagious?
Pseudomonas refers to a group of bacteria that can cause lung infections in people. Unlike...
Different Pack sizes available
Oxyl-Pro is suppled as a concentrate in 5L, 10L and 20L kegs or 1000L IBCs.
Oxyl-Pro has proven efficacy against Coronavirus and all other enveloped viruses, while also killing 99.999% of bacteria.
It is non flammable, has no harmful by-products and no odour.
No matter the business Oxyl-Pro is the perfect disinfectant.