Where Can You Use Oxyl-Pro in the Leisure Industry?
Oxyl-Pro is a multipurpose disinfectant and is therefore ideal for leisure use.
You can use it to disinfect areas where there are high amounts of physical contact, such as gyms.
Showers and changing areas can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria, with wet and warm conditions.
Gym equipment is also a prime target for germs to spread from person to person – indeed, some equipment can carry more germs than a toilet seat.
Across many different types of leisure facility, it is important to keep handrails, door handles, work surfaces, tables, chairs and bar areas clean.
Systematic cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment and areas will help to prevent the spread of infections and protect customers and staff.
However, there are other measures leisure facilities must also take.
Many sports and leisure facilities have big seasonal variations in their use. Where there are prolonged periods of inactivity, this can increase the risk of legionella and other forms of bacterial growth.
Therefore, leisure cleaning and managing risk should also involve preventative water treatment. Oxyl-Pro is ideal for this too.
It is highly effective in removing biofilm from pipework and water tanks and acts to eliminate bacteria such as legionella and pseudomonas.